Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What is stress? Well, stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. The teen years tend to bring the most stress. Some studies have even shown that stress in the teen years can later affect your mental and physical health as you get older. These days the things that cause the most stress on teens is school work, peer pressure, need for acceptance, sports, pressure to do well, etc. Sometimes to much stress can lead to depression or even suicide.
Thankfully, there are ways to prevent stress or decrease your stress! Having a strong social network with friends, family, etc. can help to reduce your stress. Some more ways include: not over-scheduling yourself, being realistic with yourself (not trying to be 100% perfect), sleeping well, learning to relax, having a positive attitude towards things, and solving the small problems in life. If those don't solve your problems than try seeing a therapist or counselor.
~By: Callen Stapleton~


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