Thursday, January 28, 2010


College is one of the most stressful times of your life. You have to do things on your own, you leave home, and you have to pay for alot of your finances. Not only is there money issuses to deal with you have to deal with getting used to your room mate, new relationships that are starting and ending, and the loads of homework and exams you have to study for. Some students have scholarships and have the presure of maintaining them, and the fear of losing them which adds alot of stress in their lives, not only this but lack of sleep from studying and working can make these stressors alot worse.Getting enough sleep is crutial in coping with these things. College is also where you meet new people and start dating, there is so much stress that comes along with this such as, how much time you spend with that person, or if you are in an arguement, it could effect how you perform in school. Many of these things make college a very stressful time. To make these things in your life easier to deal with as a new coming adult you can, listen to music, or do some type of physical activty to help you burn off some of that stress and anger inside. Everyone has to deal with some type of stress, to some extent in their life, its just a matter of how you deal with it.
By: Brooke Landi

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